22 Jan CyOne’s WISRD Collection Management Capability Solicited by Cyber Quest 2020
CyOne’s Wide-area ISR Discovery (WISRD) Collection Management Capability Solicited by Cyber Quest 2020 as a “Core Enabler”
The Cyber Center of Excellence (CC0E) at Fort Gordon, Georgia will conduct an annual Cyberspace Operations, Signal, EW and Intelligence Prototyping Experiment called Cyber Quest (CQ) to assess emerging technologies against associated Army capability requirements. This assessment will inform current capability development efforts by validating concepts and determining their doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities (DOTMLPF) impacts.
The Cyber Battle Laboratory (CBL), as the lead for CQ 2020, has solicited CyOne to return to this year’s exercise and provide WISRD as a “Core Enabler” in support of the upcoming military exercise. CyOne has accepted the invitation to return and is honored to utilize WISRD as a premier multi-domain collection management capability to support CQ 2020.